Birthday Numbers
I’m excited to begin working through the numerology chart with you! The birthday number is the easiest one to calculate in the chart and it is also very meaningful, making it the perfect place to start! Birthday numbers illuminate how you appear to others on the outside.
Calculating your birthday number
You calculate your birthday number by reducing the date of your birth to a single digit.
If you are born on a single-digit day, you’re in luck! The day of your birth is your birthday number!
If you are born on a double-digit day, you add up the two digits of the day you were born to calculate your birthday number.
Let’s say you are born on the 17th of May 1995. To find your birthday number you add 1 and 7 together to get 8. That would make you an 8 birthday number! I’ve put the math below as well for reference.
Birthday: 5/17/1995
Birthday Number Calculation:
Next, I walk through the meanings
Birthday #1 [Born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th]
You appear to others as a natural leader. You may be described as:
- Brave
- Competitive
- Determined
- High-Achieving
- Independent
Birthday #2 [Born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th]
You appear to others as a peacemaker. You may also be described as:
- Calm
- Intuitive
- Loving
- Patient
- Sensitive
Birthday #3 [Born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th]
You appear to others as very expressive and an excellent communicator. Your may also be described as:
- Creative
- Emotional
- Fun
- Hilarious
- Inspiring
Birthday #4 [Born on the 4th, 13th, or 22nd]
You appear to others as dependable and hard-working. You also may be described as:
- Determined
- Honest
- Knowledgeable
- Organized
- Trustworthy
Birthday #5 [Born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd]
You appear to others a free spirit. You also may be described as:
- Brave
- Clever
- Curious
- Progressive
- Rebellious
Birthday #6 [Born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th]
You appear to others as a nurturer and visionary. You may also be described as:
- Artistic
- Beautiful
- Loving
- Magnetic
- Responsible
Birthday #7 [Born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th]
You appear to others as mysterious. You also may be described as:
- Cerebral
- Detailed
- Intellectual
- Psychic
- Wise
Birthday #8 [Born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th]
You appear to others as a decision maker, someone they can look to for guidance on their next steps. You may also be described as:
- Abundant
- Attractive
- Bossy
- Powerful
- Successful
Birthday #9 [Born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th]
You appear to others as a humanitarian. You may also be described as:
- An old soul
- Creative
- Compassionate
- Giving
- Understanding