Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to talk. I especially enjoy being in conversations that intellectually stimulate me. Conversations that give me the opportunity to encourage others to overcome fears and follow their dreams. Those are the core motivations behind my podcast and blog.
In 2021, I started the Beta Business podcast alongside Nick Spiller. My intention was to share all my learnings from the near-decade I’d spent as an entrepreneur and investor up to that point. Nick, who had experience as the host of the Capital Factory podcast, was an incredible teacher for me and I felt improvement in every episode I recorded with him. I’m so grateful for our experience together as it played a key role in the work I’m doing today.
Late in 2021, we recorded 4 episodes on wellness and I knew that was a topic I wanted to dive deeper into. For most of 2017, I put on a good face but I woke up every day feeling so sick that I thought I was dying. Changes in my diet wound up changing my life and served as a catalyst for me to explore other ways to enhance my quality of life. These changes had a far more positive effect on my career than anything else and motivated me to step away from Beta Business with the intention to start a new show where I would share all my findings from my journey over the past few years.
Launching the show became a far deeper and more rewarding process than I ever could have imagined. At the beginning of 2022, I removed myself from social media and went back to school. I took digital seminar after digital seminar from experts in the wellness space. I read every book that I could get my hands on that challenged my beliefs and would increase my knowledge base. I learned to overcome myself through meditation and surrendered to plant medicine. Before talking about it, I wanted to be the person that matched the frequency of the content I wanted to create. I controlled my inputs to put 100% of my focus on achieving this.
By September, we were very close to being ready to launch the show. Arturo and Daniela, two key team members from Beta Business, had re-joined me to begin working on the new podcast. Through work on a bunch of practice content, it was clear something was still off.
In all my spiritual work, it suddenly became clear to me that my throat chakra was blocked. In meditation, I’d always have to overcome deep pain in my neck. In fact, since childhood, my neck has always been an extreme place of sensitivity. From my first reiki reading in 2019, it was clear that energy was not properly flowing from my upper chakras down to my lower energy centers. For the majority of my life, I was completely stuck in my head. I started working with my spiritual coach, Lauren, over 3 years ago to primarily address this issue.
To overcome the block in my throat, Dani had an intuitive spark to connect me with her friend, Sarah, who is a vocal coach and had helped other artists and creators overcome similar challenges. After one session with Sarah, I knew immediately that it was a perfect fit and we began work. Sarah put me through a variety of exercises that challenged the way I breathe and use my voice.
I’m not sure when it happened, but following one of our sessions something clicked. My throat chakra finally opened up. As of this writing, my spiritual work has moved down to lower chakras that it turns out were even more blocked than my throat! Fun stuff!
Most importantly, I’m writing this content which serves as a testament to how effective my work with Sarah has been. I encourage you to listen to our podcast interview with her in which she describes the work she does. I specifically enjoy a question Arturo asks about hating the sound of his voice. I’m sure a lot of you will resonate with that as much as I have at points in my life.